TRENT CARLINI - The Dream King
Las Vegas Hilton
Various dates; rotates with other shows
Produced and Directed by Jerry Peluso

PROLOGUE: Reviewing an Elvis impersonator should not be a difficult task for me, taking in consideration that I have seen the real Elvis 23 times “live” in concert from June 1972 and ending in December 1976. To compare ANY impersonator to the real thing would be unfair in that even the best of the best cannot capture the charisma and talent of popular music history’s most revered act. Since Elvis’ death in 1977, Las Vegas (for better or worse) has become recognized as being the HUB for Elvis impersonators. I have had the opportunity of seeing over 100 of Elvis impersonators and have had the fortune/misfortune to work with and/or book many.

THE PERFORMER: TRENT CARLINI first came into prominence as the “Elvis” for “Legends in Concert” in 1992 at a time when being in the Imperial Palace showroom was still the most prestigious “Elvis” gig in the country. In 1996, Carlini took up residence at the Boardwalk Casino for a successful 5 year run in an intimate room that held less than 100 people. He then moved his show to the LeBistro show-lounge at the Riviera. Last year, when Engelbert Humperdink cancelled all his Las Vegas Hilton shows, it was negotiated, thanks to the “Fab Four” manager/producer, Jerry Peluso, for TRENT CARLINI to pick up his dates for what was to become The Ultimate Elvis Gig for any ETA (ETA=Elvis Tribute Artist).

THE SHOW: TRENT CARLINI follows the same format that he did at the Boardwalk… on a larger scale. This isn’t the first “Elvis” show to feature one performer covering the entire Elvis spectrum. A similar popular show, “The Elvis Story” starring MARTIN FONTAINE is running in Quebec, Canada. “The Dream King” follows the same format, covering Elvis’ extraordinary career from the beginning to almost the end.
The show opens in the Elvis’ 1950’s pre-Army days, complete with gold lame’ jacket and sandy brown hair. (One of many wigs he uses). Although a 40ish guy performing as a 21 year old is Carlini’s least effective role, it is still a pretty convincing portrayal; complete with authentic gyrations and that famous Presley sneer/smile.

Next, the show moves to the post-Army, movie-star Elvis. Carlini sings and shakes his way through a medley of costume changes that covers “GI Blues,” “Viva Las Vegas” and “Blue Hawaii” - all done extremely well. I was very impressed with the fact that Carlini, as opposed to most ‘Elvi’, absolutely refuses to over-exaggerate the legendary Presley movements. He has, without a doubt, studied and worked on his character in depth to the point where his moves look natural, compared to many others who come off looking silly. Carlini is very strong in this era but it is the next era that brings out his strongest performance.

His portrayal of the 1968 Comeback Elvis is, hands down, the most realistic portrayal of the “King” in all his glory. It’s almost scary, at times, to see him in his black leather suit, which is followed by the 2 piece white “I Can Dream” outfit that the real Elvis wore to close this particular (his first) TV Special. Carlini also plays “live” guitar during a portion of this segment; which Elvis did as well.

Finally comes the Las Vegas/Concert “jumpsuit” era as Carlini chooses what are probably the two most popular white jumpsuits; the “Fringe” 1970 and the “Aloha from Hawaii” 1973. The highlight of this era is Carlini sitting down at the piano singing “Unchained Melody” as Elvis actually did…although it wasn’t until near the end.

Elvis fans will be thankful that Carlini opted to spare the audience the bloated, out-of-touch, prescription-drug-dependant Elvis. This is not how Elvis should be remembered and Carlini emulates the artist in his prime. I was blown away with just how authentic his wigs were for each era. Obviously a lot of time and effort was put into duplicating these hairstyles to the smallest detail. The same goes for his stage makeup…blue contacts and all.

I sat in the 3rd row center and, when Carlini would turn a certain way, there were certain angles that made me do a double-take…especially when he appears as in the late 60’s and early 70’s Elvis. If he has any weaknesses (and I might be nitpicking here), it is that at times his onstage personality comes off unconvincing. Just about all his onstage banter and humor is basically mimicking what the real Elvis said in videos and audio recordings, a common practice in the Elvis impersonation world. It’s just that, with Carlini, he comes off as being “phony-ish” when he tries to interject a little humility (a very strong trait in the real Presley). Then again, this also might be due to the fact that Trent has never been known for being the most personable and humble of the ETA’s.

Still…one must give credit where credit is due and “The Dream King” is a show that I feel the real Elvis would applaud. Carlini hits all his high notes and the TC Band, along with 3 female back-up singers (TC’s Inspirations), do an excellent job in replicating the “live” Presley concert sound. There is also media playing intermittently throughout the show of the real Elvis on video screens placed on each side of the stage.

All in all, “The Dream King” is arguably the best Elvis Tribute package this country has to offer. By package, I am referring to the fact that TRENT CARLINI is strong in every category. There may be some others that may possibly have a better look or a better sound but those performers will also tend to be weaker in another department or two. Carlini covers all the bases and covers them well. I would definitely recommend this show to Elvis fans and other Elvis impersonators whether they are experienced or aspiring.

TRENT CARLINI will be performing at the Las Vegas Hilton on 12/30 & 12/31 as part of a special double bill with the FAB FOUR Beatles Tribute.

Footnote: There is a recent book about the world of Elvis Impersonators that I would like to recommend. It is entitled “Elvis Lives; The Business of Being Elvis” written by Pamela Williams and it features bios from Elvi of all shapes, sizes and colors. I found the book very interesting and a must for those interested in the ETA world. My only complaint is that there are tribute artists who should have been included…and even more who should have been omitted


TRENT CARLINI (The Dream King)






